And So the Year of the Semi-working,Occasionally-showering Traveler Begins 2/28/2017-present
Friends, I started exactly one year ago today! (Happy birthday to it!) I thank you for the enthusiastic support (especially Niall and roommate), and promise year #2 shall be even more epic full of glorious misadventures in far off lands. Therefore, it is a fitting time to start its next chapter.
Just yesterday I landed in the city of Tbilisi Georgia to the greeting of two awesome friends and rain (Shout out to Nutsa and David!) Despite the sleep deprivation that only 15 wonderful hours over night on a plane can give, I was ready to start the next journey. So please, my dear readers, follow along as I attempt to make a living as a freelancing writer and English teacher throughout the year while keeping my favorite destination as my home base. My rest back home over the winter was nice, but now it's time to venture out and get serious again. And by serious I mean work professionally for about 10-15 hours per week by computer and occasionally escaping society by wandering off into the mountains (I have a less than admirable work ethic, I know).
Proud supporter wearing the t-shirt
During this heroic stretch of time, I hope to take a boat across the Black Sea from Georgia to Bulgaria and wander around the Balkans for a bit (probably in the summer) in order to see some of those Serbian brass bands. Along with that, I will likely make a trip up to the Baltic Sea area since flights are really cheap from Georgia to Latvia and Lithuania (hence the title of this section). When and how long shall be up to my digression and nothing shall distract me from this mission! (unless it's something reasonably shiny)
What shall happen? Who shall I meet? What shall I do? Will I die in a hilarious manner? Stay tuned and follow along to find out! The stories in all their graphic detail will be there for you to enjoy. This is just my intro. This is just to prepare you for the year that is about to come!
Let this image be a metaphor for the upcoming year of adventures.