Friendly Anarchist Day
Friends, what do oligarchs, slave owners, war profiteers, and grown men named Chester have in common? They have all been presidents. Instead of celebrating them, we here at Global Hobos are announcing a new counter holiday: Anarchist Day! Today, we honor those individuals who resisted any and all forms of authority.
Here's how to celebrate:
First, take an image of a terrible ruler/president and defile it. For our example, we'll use Andrew Jackson. Feel free to get creative.
This is for the Trail of Tears, you prick.
Once you are finished, strap said image to fireworks (preferably the illegal ones), climb up onto a roof and launch them into the night sky.
Once that is done, give a toast to someone who battled against those in power.
Here's to you Sacco and Vanzetti!
Finally, do something nice and friendly for the regular people in your community (hence Friendly Anarchist Day). Give money to a homeless guy, buy a drink for a friend, or help the old lady down the street. And don't do any of it for alterior motives.